DNA and Genetics

  1. 4. the hair colors that are dominant (brown, black, etc.)
  2. 8. a person who studies genetics and DNA
  3. 9. a baby
  4. 11. a characteristic or quality
  5. 12. the squares used to predict a baby's traits
  6. 13. the letters that represent different traits
  1. 1. to change or be different
  2. 2. strong genes that have CAPITAL LETTERS
  3. 3. the hair colors that are recessive (blonde, red, etc.)
  4. 4. the genetic information in the nucleus of your cell.
  5. 5. weak genes that have small letters\
  6. 6. the physical characteristic that can be seen
  7. 7. the study of genes and traits
  8. 10. who gives (dar) a baby their traits
  9. 13. a small part of DNA