DNA at Work

  1. 3. The base which pairs with adenine
  2. 4. The sugar in RNA
  3. 5. A self replicating material which carries genetic material
  4. 6. Pairs with adenine in RNA
  5. 9. Pairs with guanine
  6. 10. One set of chromosomes
  7. 11. An essential part of all living organisms
  8. 13. The organelle which transports fats
  9. 18. A specific variation of a gene
  10. 19. Base that pairs with cytosine
  11. 20. Makes up proteins
  12. 21. The sugar in DNA
  13. 26. The digestive organelle
  14. 29. A nucleotide has a sugar a base and a ......
  15. 31. A ..... chain
  16. 32. Pairs with thymine
  17. 36. The protein 'packaging site' in the cell
  18. 37. Long thread-like structure of nucleic acids and protein which carries genetic material
  19. 38. A red protein responsible for transporting oxygen
  1. 1. Main protein found in hair, nails and horns
  2. 2. The process in which ribosomes create proteins
  3. 3. The first step of gene expression
  4. 7. Gel like fluid which fills the cell
  5. 8. Nucleic acid present in all living cells
  6. 12. A cell containing to complete sets of chromosomes
  7. 13. Consists of five carbon deoxyribose sugars and phosphate groups
  8. 14. A molecule containing nitrogen and chemical properties of a base
  9. 15. Studded with ribosomes
  10. 16. A sequence of three nucleotides
  11. 17. Conveys genetic information from the DNA to the ribosomes
  12. 22. Acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction
  13. 23. Makes proteins
  14. 24. A unit of heredity
  15. 25. Links sister chromatids together
  16. 27. The brain of the cell
  17. 28. The main protein found in milk
  18. 30. Goes with myosin
  19. 33. DNA is made up of ......
  20. 34. Used by the immune system to identify and neutralize pathogens
  21. 35. Goes with actin