DNA, RNA, Protein Synthesis and Mutations

  1. 1. RNA is decoded and an amino acid (protein) chain is produced
  2. 3. having one of each chromosome; half set
  3. 4. nucleotide part
  4. 6. rule that says the amount of adenine equals thymine and the amount of guanine equals cytosine
  5. 8. building blocks of genetic molecules
  6. 12. relaxed DNA
  7. 13. chromosomes with the same sequence of genes
  8. 15. mutation where one nucleotide is replaced with a different nucleotide
  9. 17. change in DNA or a chromosome
  10. 19. nitrogen base found in RNA
  11. 22. sugar in DNA
  12. 25. to make a copy of DNA
  1. 2. site of protein synthesis
  2. 5. DNA gene is copied into RNA
  3. 7. segment of DNA that codes for a trait
  4. 9. display of chromosome pairs
  5. 10. double stranded genetic molecule
  6. 11. mutation that involves insertion or deletion of a nucleotide
  7. 14. DNA coiled around a protein
  8. 16. add the second strand of DNA
  9. 18. part of cell that contains DNA
  10. 20. acid building block of protein
  11. 21. nitrogen base found in DNA
  12. 22. having two of each chromosome; a full set of chromosomes
  13. 23. single stranded genetic molecule
  14. 24. sugar in RNA