DNA sequencing

  1. 3. sequencer based on nanopore technology
  2. 7. Illumina is sequencing by ________.
  3. 8. Illumina sequencer suitable for sequencing human genomes
  4. 10. Ion torrent sequencer
  5. 12. sanger sequencing is ________ generation sequencing.
  1. 1. Sanger sequencing is also referred to as ________ termination
  2. 2. sequencing by ligation
  3. 4. The most successful and widely adopted NGS technology
  4. 5. used to bind DNA fragments on to flow cells in Illumina technology
  5. 6. Illumina sequencer suitable for small genome sequencing
  6. 7. Sequencing used for the human genome project.
  7. 9. torrent The detection of Hydrogen ions released during the polymerisation of DNA
  8. 11. single molecule technology is __________ generation