DNA Technology

  1. 2. process that uses technology to change the DNA makeup of an organism
  2. 4. fertilized egg
  3. 6. pieces of DNA are broken and recombined to produce new combinations of alleles
  4. 7. used to identify individuals
  5. 8. cells that have a specific job
  6. 10. circular, double-stranded DNA molecule
  7. 11. genes can be turned on or off
  8. 12. stage of the developing embryo from the 4th to 7th day after fertilization
  9. 15. stem cells that are fully developed OR have been changed in a lab
  10. 16. technique that separates molecules based on size
  1. 1. stem cells that can differentiate into tissues or organs that the person might need
  2. 3. used to separate DNA fragments in gel electrophoresis
  3. 5. protein isolated from bacteria that cleaves DNA sequences
  4. 8. body cells
  5. 9. stem cells that are found in the inner cell mass of the blastocyst
  6. 13. the size of DNA fragments that move through the gel faster
  7. 14. an organism that has been changed due to the introduction of foreign DNA sequences