DNF Crossword

  1. 6. For how many times have Dream and George won an MCC (non-canon events included) together?
  2. 8. What is the date of ‘Dream is an idiot/George is dog water’ day?(month+day)
  3. 11. Dream bought George a 1.5 inch _____ in his $5000 video?
  4. 13. ____ been faking me out, can’t make you happier now
  5. 15. Dream got George top of the leaderboard for what game on MCC’s practice server?
  6. 16. Dream died to George in his first manhunt because he fell off a ____ ?
  7. 18. I’m gonna ____, come with me.
  1. 1. What animal was Dream in George’s third animal friend video?
  2. 2. You need to be ____ ……so hard that you can’t remember your name.
  3. 3. Dream is: ____
  4. 4. Dream once threw all his glass bottles for water in the ground because George refused to be his ___ ?
  5. 5. Dream and George both survived till the end in one round of HITW, this happened in MCC____?
  6. 7. What is the iconic splash text on Dream’s Minecraft title screen?
  7. 9. What comes after ‘in sync bb’?
  8. 10. George is: the ____ in the room that makes things even just a little bit brighter.
  9. 12. The first message George texted Dream’s mother was: hi this is your son’s ____?
  10. 14. We have a ____ where I’m moving.
  11. 17. What team were Dream and George both in for MCC All Stars?