Do Now

  1. 3. An organism that only eats green plants.
  2. 5. A special feature that helps an organism survive in its habitat.
  3. 6. All organisms that live in a habitat make up a community.
  4. 8. Numbers of a population can decrease because of _________.
  5. 9. Variation from your parents is known as _________ variation.
  6. 12. These organisms start food chains or webs. They are usually green plants.
  7. 13. These trees loose their leaves in the winter e.g. oak trees.
  1. 1. This is an example of a seasonal change that some organisms undergo to help them survive the winter.
  2. 2. A place where an organism lives.
  3. 4. An organism that only eats meat.
  4. 7. This is an example of environmental variation.
  5. 10. Some animals are ___________; they are only active at night.
  6. 11. These trees keep their leaves throughout winter e.g. pine trees.