Do You Know 2?

  1. 3. Heroine of Disney's The Princess and the Frog
  2. 7. Name of Gabrielle’s First Rollercoaster ride at Etnaland
  3. 8. Disney princess who lost a shoe
  4. 10. Aladdin's love
  5. 16. She knew the Seven Dwarfs
  6. 17. The Famous Italian Pieta and David sculptor and Vatican’s Sistine ceiling painter
  7. 19. Sleeping Beauty Princess
  8. 22. Finish this lyric from an Annie song “Oh, now look at me and this...?
  9. 23. Where Papa was born in New York City, and site of a bridge of the same name?
  10. 25. Disney “Let it go” singer
  11. 26. Name of the street where Gabrielle use to live in DC
  12. 27. Disney princess in "Brave"
  13. 29. Disney princess with very long hair
  1. 1. Italian city famous for its leaning tower
  2. 2. The Famous Italian artist Leonardo and Mona Lisa' painter
  3. 4. The beauty of "Beauty and the Beast"
  4. 5. Disney movie featuring Anna and Elsa
  5. 6. Name of the Elementary school in Washington, D.C. that Gabrielle attended
  6. 9. Name of the neighborhood in Maryland where Sikilia lives
  7. 11. Italian city famous for its canals and gondolas
  8. 12. The Name of the person who created the floss dance In Kate Perry’s Swish, Swish song
  9. 13. Native American Disney Princess
  10. 14. What was Papa’s major at St. John’s University
  11. 15. Italian city where Michelangelo’s famous Statue of David is located
  12. 18. Disney's 'Little Mermaid'
  13. 20. Name of the neighborhood in DC where Gabrielle use to live
  14. 21. Peter Pan' fairy
  15. 23. The Name of NYC theatre area
  16. 24. Harry Potter’s Pet
  17. 28. Disney princess from China