Do you know anything about this?

  1. 1. Players run to the balls and ( ) balls at each other.
  2. 3. [French, leaf, big, English] are all about this country.
  3. 4. It's a Korean traditional board game.
  4. 9. It's the Korean ( )music.
  5. 10. It's Korean traditional music.
  6. 12. [yellow, monkey, Minion, tree] are all about this fruit.
  1. 2. It's the Korean alphabet.
  2. 5. King Sejong ( )ed Hangeul.
  3. 6. [Mona Lisa, tower, baguette, Europe] are all about this city.
  4. 7. Pigu is like ( )in the U.S.
  5. 8. It's a Korean traditional cookie.
  6. 11. Do you ( )anything about it?