Do You Know Team Marcoux?

  1. 2. Colleen’s Team Nickname
  2. 4. Liz’s vacation spot, a house on water even a…
  3. 5. Theesa's Favorite singer
  4. 7. Steve's Birthday Month
  5. 9. Kaitlin’s four-legged friend
  6. 10. Somchay loves this KPOP Group
  7. 11. Morgan’s Celebrity Queen
  8. 12. Somchay’s High School Graduation Gift
  9. 13. Morgan’s comfort show also based in a hospital
  10. 16. Kaitlin's favorite movie, You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
  11. 17. Colleen’s hobby, passion, and purpose in life
  12. 18. Josh’s comfort show based in a hospital
  1. 1. Liz’s Favorite Candy
  2. 3. Sarah’s Astrological Sign, witty and indecisive
  3. 4. Lily loves this meal
  4. 5. Colleen’s Vacation Point, ____ Island
  5. 6. Steve’s favorite TV Show.
  6. 8. Liz’s meal of champions
  7. 14. Favorite Celebrity for Lily, Superbad, La La Land, Easy A
  8. 15. Josh’s meal of choice, all the different kinds.
  9. 19. Brian’s gift to Sarah for their 1 year