Do You Know the Second Floor?

  1. 1. Gives out a book award to honor her dead King (1st name)
  2. 3. Award for best pictures in a children's book
  3. 5. Books that put the clues together
  4. 7. A set of books filled with facts
  5. 9. Scary books have a label with what animal?
  6. 10. Award for best children books
  7. 11. Tales of rockets, robots, and the future
  8. 12. The history of a person's life
  1. 2. Fiction that mirrors life is
  2. 4. The nonfiction books are classified by what decimal system?
  3. 6. Tales of unicorns, wizards, magic, dragons etc
  4. 8. Your guide to the delights on the second floor