Do you know what your dreams mean?

  1. 3. This type of dream is commonly associated with a dreamer’s feelings of being out of control or being overwhelmed with something in their life. Feelings of unimportance or insecurity, or a loss of trust in either oneself or a close relation can also trigger this type of dream. This could also be a sign that something in the dreamer’s life is not going as well as originally planned and they may be having thoughts of considering a new direction or path.
  2. 7. This type of dream is most commonly associated with feelings of vulnerability or a fear to be open about something in life. An individual having this type of dream may feel that some aspect of themselves is being exposed to criticism or disgrace. Others think that feelings of guilt or inferiority trigger these dreams, and sometimes feelings of deglectment.
  3. 8. Individuals experiencing this type of dream specifically, commonly feel that something is taking up too much of their life or their partner’s lives that is causing them to feel unimportant, distant or insecure in a relationship. They may also be having feelings of doubt in someone close to them or be losing a sense of trust and connection with someone close to them. This type of dream may also be a result of infidelity in a past relationship or experience that is being resurfaced in dream form.
  4. 9. This common dream is most commonly associated with the loss of something important to the dreamer. This could be a wide variety of options, including the death of a loved one, the loss of a marriage or relationship, or the loss of a job, home, or something of great importance. This dream could also result from a fear of change or of losing something in the future.
  5. 10. Dreaming of this, like many other dreams, is also associated with feelings of anxiety and stress. Specifically, this type of dream indicates that the dreamer is dealing with the weight of not being able to live up to a certain standard, whether set by themselves, a family member, employer, or other important person in their lives. This can be symbolizing an inability to reach the level someone is expecting. This dream can also indicate the dreamer feels that they have missed some great opportunity at some point in their life or is scared of this happening in the future.
  1. 1. This type of dream is almost always a symbol for something less literal than the action happening in the dream. Having these types of dreams commonly indicates feelings about some large-scale change or goal happening in life. “____ dreams are typically connected to something else in your life that is in a growing and development phase,” says Lauri Loewenberg, a professional dream analyst and author. Within a dream, the subconscious mind is in control, and will force the dreamer to focus on things they are ignoring or trying to not acknowledge, presenting some new adventure in a new light.
  2. 2. This type of dream has two well-known theories, one positive and one more negative. From a positive perspective, this representation in dreams can depict a feeling of great freedom in life. This situation is indicating that the dreamer has the ability to go anywhere in the world and do anything they desire with their life, with zero limitations. This commonly shows up in a dream because the pressures and hardships of real-life often limit this feeling of freedom and openness.
  3. 4. This type of dream usually comes in nightmare form, seeming extremely real and can be hard to distinguish from reality. Dreams like this can have a variety of possible explanations, most of which stem from the dreamer’s feelings of anxiety and stress. Most commonly, people who repeatedly have variations of this dream are wishing to avoid or get away from something that they would rather not have to face in the future. A person’s unconsciousness is telling them they’re pushing aside an issue or a person causing an immense amount of thought or stress. They may also be feeling overwhelmed and experiencing high levels of stress about something going on in the present or the future.
  4. 5. This is one of the most unsettling of the dreams people experience often, and can almost always be viewed as a nightmare. “___ in dreams is really about some kind of change or ending you’re dealing with in your real life,” says Lauri Quinn Loewenberg, professional dream analyst. A dreamer’s subconscious shows them this change in the form of an extreme so they can better understand the finality of this moment, even if what they are dealing with is not as dramatic as this. These dreams are not always depicting a negative ending, but can also represent a positive transition or change in the dreamer’s life.
  5. 6. With this type of dream, dreamers generally wake up very excited about what they have experienced and wish that what happened was true in reality upon waking up. When this appears in an individual’s dream, it is usually symbolic of some aspect of their own personality or something about their opinions, feelings, thoughts, or memories of the symbol in question.