Docs 3 review

  1. 2. past tense of brush
  2. 4. past tense of listen
  3. 6. past tense of talk
  4. 10. past tense of clean
  5. 12. a baby pig
  6. 14. past tense of practice
  7. 15. a baby bunny
  8. 16. past tense of watch
  9. 18. a baby sheep
  1. 1. a baby chicken
  2. 3. past tense of play
  3. 5. a baby cow
  4. 7. a baby duck
  5. 8. past tense of bake
  6. 9. a baby cat
  7. 11. a baby dog
  8. 13. past tense of wash
  9. 17. a baby bear