Documents and Principles

  1. 3. The US Cons. protects our fundamental ___.
  2. 6. ___ govt't is when the gov't is not all powerful.
  3. 8. The ___ explained the purpose of setting up a new gov't.
  4. 9. States working together to fight COVID19 is an example of forming a more perfect ___.
  5. 11. In the US Cons the ____ comes from the people.
  6. 13. Under the Articles of Confederation, ___ held all the major powers.
  7. 15. In order for an amendment to be added, it first needs 2/3 ______ by Congress or the states.
  8. 17. There are two steps in the amendment process: proposal and ____.
  9. 18. We live in a representative gov't where we ___ people to make decisions on our behalf.
  10. 19. ___ the US Cons needs proposal from Congress/states and Ratification from states.
  11. 20. There have been 17 amendments ____ to the US Cons.
  1. 1. The US Cons created a ___ set of laws.
  2. 2. There are 27 amendments ____ in the US Cons
  3. 4. The US Cons. establishes the ___ of the gov't.
  4. 5. We live in a ___ where we elect a president.
  5. 6. When a judge is given a speeding ticket is an example of rule of ___
  6. 7. Voters give their ___ when they vote on issues.
  7. 10. The US Cons begins with We the ____.
  8. 12. The US Cons. guarantees ___ under the law.
  9. 14. The Magna Carta limited the power of the ___
  10. 16. In the _____ amendment process the General Assembly must propose it.