dog disease

  1. 2. inherit it, get it from having diabetes, trauma, and nutritional imbalance
  2. 3. inhaling fungal spores
  3. 5. through ingesting food contaminated by feces.
  4. 7. foaming at the mouth
  5. 10. contact with vaginal discharges
  6. 12. must pass through a mosquito
  7. 13. spread through other sick dogs
  8. 15. passed down from their parents.
  9. 16. when an animal is coughing , or through birth
  1. 1. inhaling it.
  2. 4. ingesting fleas or rodents
  3. 6. infected dogs or unsanitary conditions
  4. 8. contact with other infected animals or environment
  5. 9. due to old age
  6. 11. drinking water contaminated with urine, puddles,lakes
  7. 14. spread through infected feces