Dogs at Work

  1. 2. a group of animals that are together
  2. 6. help
  3. 9. the ability to make a good decision about what to do
  4. 11. to smell by putting your nose close to what you are smelling
  5. 12. not able to hear
  6. 13. the payment
  7. 15. to stop something from happening
  8. 19. ignore
  9. 20. smell, odor
  10. 22. blind
  11. 24. types of dogs
  12. 26. to teach how to do something
  13. 28. a job for someone to do
  1. 1. a part or piece of something
  2. 3. dog
  3. 4. you can count on it to do a good job
  4. 5. to learn completely
  5. 7. a big group of people who are together in one place
  6. 8. in a place where it can’t be seen
  7. 10. something that really makes you want to have it or do it
  8. 13. broken pieces of stone, concrete, etc., from a building that falls
  9. 14. is the same for both or everyone
  10. 16. very difficult
  11. 17. an order to do or stop doing something
  12. 18. causing a feeling that something is wrong or illegal
  13. 21. a person who works for another person or company
  14. 23. to need someone or something for help
  15. 25. the ability to do something
  16. 26. to look for and find people who are missing
  17. 27. to go in front while others follow