Domain 1 Review

  1. 3. Main author of the DoI
  2. 4. Led a rebellion in Southern colonies
  3. 6. First colony in New England
  4. 9. large scale farming of cash crops
  5. 10. General of the Revolutionary Army
  6. 13. 1763 treaty that ended 7 Years War
  7. 15. Originally settled by the Dutch
  8. 16. Religious group that settled in NE
  9. 20. Slaves brought this with them
  10. 21. Sons of Liberty reaction to crown taxes
  11. 22. Origin of Social Contract Theory
  12. 26. Rocky soil, harsh winter, fishin
  13. 28. Frenchman who assisted the Colonists
  14. 29. Battle where England surrendered
  1. 1. Breadbasket, trade, mining, tolerance
  2. 2. Given to William Penn to settle debts
  3. 5. England let colonies govern themselves
  4. 7. Violently opposed British taxes
  5. 8. Washington camped here for winter
  6. 11. Cash crops, great soil, slavery
  7. 12. Religious group settle Mid-Colonies
  8. 14. Harrowing journey across the Atlantic
  9. 17. Mother country for the colonies
  10. 18. First representative government in NA
  11. 19. Religious revival, focus on individual
  12. 23. First settlement of the 13 colonies
  13. 24. Wrote Common Sense, support revolution
  14. 25. Battle convinced the French to join
  15. 27. Sent to France to get support