Don Quixote Spelling

  1. 4. a piece of uniform for protection
  2. 5. not shaky
  3. 7. empty
  4. 9. helping someone in need
  5. 11. being brave
  6. 12. not exceptional, common
  7. 13. very important
  8. 15. to suck and clean
  9. 17. a piece of farm equipment
  10. 18. casting spelling
  11. 19. creating a confusion
  12. 20. to take away
  1. 1. a halloween costume
  2. 2. a friend no one can see
  3. 3. sleepy
  4. 6. lacking understanding
  5. 8. to leave
  6. 10. a soldier from ancient time
  7. 14. a person in training to be knight
  8. 16. opposite ends of a magnet
  9. 21. travel with excitement