"Don't Bear False Witness; Be A Faithful Witness!" | Exodus 20:16 Bible Study ✞-word Puzzle | 6.12.24

  1. 6. Though the Ninth Commandment is narrow in scope, the Lord’s people are to be truthful and honest in general. We are not to tell ____ (Lev 19:11; Pr 6:16-19, 12:17, 14:5, 14:25; Hos 4:2; cf. Jn 8:31-32; Eph 6:14, etc.).
  2. 8. ____ is the father of lies (Jn 8:44). He (Rev 20:10) and all unrepentant liars are destined for the fire (Rev 21:8).
  3. 9. (Two words) It can be sinful to be silent and not ____ ___ when one has witnessed something important to a case (Lev 5:1; cf. Eze 3:18-19).
  4. 10. Though all kinds of dishonesty are contrary to the law of the LORD, the Ninth Commandment more specifically prohibits false _____ against someone else in court (Ex 23:1-3).
  5. 11. If we love our ___ as ourselves (Lev 19:18; Mt 22:39), we should not testify falsely against our ____ (Ex 20:16).
  1. 1. The ___ has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit (Pr 18:21, NIV).
  2. 2. ____ witnesses (at least two or three) were required to convict someone of a crime (Dt 17:6; 19:15; Num 35:30).
  3. 3. Falsely accusing someone of a crime that results in their ____ is essentially murder (cf. 1 Ki 21:8-10; Mk 14:55f.; Ac 6:13f.).
  4. 4. A Christian should not bear false ____ (Ex 20:16; cf. Ex 5:6-9; Ps 27:12), but be a Spirit-empowered faithful ____ for Christ (Ac 1:8).
  5. 5. Witnesses in a capital case had to be the ____ ones to start the execution (Dt 17:7).
  6. 7. The penalty for giving false testimony was to be the ___ punishment the false witness intended to bring upon the person they accused (Dt 19:16-21; cf. Gen 9:6; 1 Ki 21:19, 22:34-38; also see Pr 19:5, 9, 19:28, 21:28, 24:28).
  7. 8. ____ (making a false statement about someone that can ruin their reputation) can endanger a person’s life (Lev 19:16).