Dont go Breakin' my Heart

  1. 2. largest artery in the body
  2. 5. a rasping sound heard while listening to the heart that may or may not indicate problems within the heart
  3. 9. valve the valve that controls the blood flow between the left atrium and left ventricle
  4. 10. recorder of electrical system of heart
  5. 11. shortness of breathe
  6. 12. arrest stopping of the heartbeat
  7. 14. a bloot clot form in a blood vessels or in the heart
  8. 15. abnormal heart rythem
  9. 16. a disease of the heart muscle that causes it to lose its pumping strength
  10. 18. arteries two arteries that come from the aorta to provide blood to the heart
  11. 19. tiny blood vessels
  12. 20. system pertaining to the heart and its blood vessels,and the circulation of the blood
  13. 21. death of a tissue
  14. 23. electronic device used to establish a normal heartbeat
  15. 27. node electrical impulses that causes the heart to contract
  16. 28. clot a gelled mass of blood tissue
  17. 29. valve valve that regulates blood flow through the heart into the aorta
  1. 1. the study and practice of treating the heart
  2. 3. chest pain
  3. 4. vein the heart valve located in between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery
  4. 6. 2 upper chambers of the heart
  5. 7. narrowing or constriction of the blood vessels or the valve of the heart
  6. 8. large blood vessel
  7. 13. output the amount of blood that goes through circulatory system in one minute
  8. 14. rapid heart beat
  9. 17. build up of plaque in the inner lining of the artery
  10. 19. heart failure condition in which the heart cannot pump out all of the blood in the vessels
  11. 22. slow
  12. 24. slow heartbeat
  13. 25. decreased blood flow of oxygenated blood to an organ due to the constriction in the artery
  14. 26. abnormal heartbeat