Dork Diaries

  1. 1. The school the main character attended
  2. 4. The last name of the authors name
  3. 6. The main character in the story
  4. 8. The mother of the pups
  5. 9. The last name of the main character
  6. 10. The main character's sister
  7. 13. The first spot the story stated in
  8. 14. What the main character loves to write in
  1. 2. What the main character took care of
  2. 3. The person the main character has a crush on
  3. 5. One of the main character's best friends
  4. 7. One of the main character's best friends
  5. 9. The main Character's rival
  6. 11. What the main character's dad killed for a living
  7. 12. Brandon's friend