- 3. What is the Christmas Star known as?
- 6. What is the name of this symbol *?
- 10. In which month Pi day is celebrated?
- 11. What comes after a Trillion??
- 13. The word 'Mathematics' Originated from the language?
- 14. In a coding system, PEN is written by as NZO and BARK as CTSL. How can we write PRANK?
- 1. Sugar is occasionally served in the form of a?
- 2. Pointing towards a man, a woman said , " his mother is the only daughter of my mother." How is the woman related to the man??
- 4. A body leaps up or is thrown up. Thereafter it falls back to the earth. Its flight traces a path of?
- 5. Who was the father of Mathematics and music?
- 7. What is the smallest perfect number?
- 8. What is the only number that has the same number of letters as it’s meaning?
- 9. Name of the symbol "÷"?
- 12. Which number system does not have the symbol for zero?