DPT Anatomy

  1. 2. The head of the radius is located_________
  2. 5. L2 myotome
  3. 7. Only muscle in anterior thigh with only L2,L3 innervation
  4. 10. Bony prominence on back of skull
  5. 13. Actions are knee flexion, hip extension, hip and knee internal rotation
  6. 16. PA distal 2/3 posterior surafce of fibula
  7. 18. Space in foot which the tibial nerve passes through and splits
  8. 19. Actions are knee flexion and internal rotation
  9. 20. One of the distal continuations of popliteal artery
  1. 1. C1 myotome
  2. 3. This nerve pierces the supinator
  3. 4. Space in the wrist which the ulnar nerve passes through
  4. 6. Space where the brachial artery travels through
  5. 8. Muscles located in deep hand
  6. 9. DA is the pisiform, hook of hamate, and 5th MC
  7. 11. PA is between the anterior and inferior gluteal lines
  8. 12. The radial tuberosity is located _______
  9. 14. Superior portion of talus
  10. 15. Nerve branch off of C5 brachial plexus
  11. 17. Muscle in hand that has no bony attachments