dr. seuss again

  1. 4. we can have lots of good fun that is ______
  2. 6. the thing of yours that is waiting, so be on your way
  3. 7. what you have in your shoes
  4. 10. from there to here, and here to there, funny things are ____
  5. 12. what the whos do
  6. 13. what the turtles and all things should be
  7. 14. what color is the fat one's hat?
  1. 1. it's something you'll be quite alot
  2. 2. character from greeneggs and ham (minus the hyphens)
  3. 3. the grinch carves this
  4. 4. the neccessary ingredient in living
  5. 5. one who chops down trees
  6. 8. kind of trees chopped by once-ler
  7. 9. where Christmas doesn't come from
  8. 11. what we should have at the bottom