  1. 6. everything ___ until it's finished.
  2. 8. the cat in the __.
  3. 9. from ____ to there
  4. 10. who hears a who
  5. 13. Dr. Seuss real name spelled backward
  6. 14. be awesome. Be a __ nut.
  7. 16. a person's a __ no matter how small.
  1. 1. I like nonsense it wakes up the brain __
  2. 2. you'll miss the best things if you keep your ___ shut
  3. 3. it's fun to have__ but you have to know how.
  4. 4. there's so __ to read.
  5. 5. Today was good, today was fun. tomorrow is ____ one.
  6. 7. today you are you, that is truer than ____.
  7. 11. an elephant's faithful __-hundred percent
  8. 12. think and wonder, wonder and _____.
  9. 14. a color of a fish
  10. 15. only __ can control your future.
  11. 16. Hop on __