  1. 2. Last name of the last character death of season 7
  2. 4. King-Beyond-The-Wall
  3. 7. Ancestral home of House Stark
  4. 8. kills white walkers
  5. 9. Name of Arya's direwolf
  6. 10. Island holding a mountain dragonglass (Targaryen ancestral home)
  7. 11. Name of deadly poison with delayed effects (used to murder Myrcella Lannister)
  8. 13. Season 1 Lord of Winterfell
  9. 14. Used @ battle of Blackwater
  1. 1. Leader of white walkers
  2. 3. The richest man in the seven kingdoms
  3. 5. Lord of Riverrun
  4. 6. Ironborn words
  5. 10. Ticker letters for DRÆGONGLASS
  6. 12. Name of Jon Snow's sword