Drawing and Composition Review Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. an area of emphasis
  2. 3. the fourth drawing step
  3. 4. the arrangement of an image
  4. 5. a line that represents movement/pose
  5. 7. drawing values as shapes or planes
  6. 8. the second drawing step
  7. 9. creating a border around your focal point
  8. 10. less is more
  9. 11. pattern, emphasis, movement, rhythm, etc.
  10. 14. parallel lines used for value
  11. 16. artist painted lonely people in the city
  12. 19. line that creates dynamic visual movement
  13. 21. dividing into 4 "hot spot" intersections
  14. 22. artist painted happy bologna sandwiches
  15. 25. line, shape, form, texture, value, etc.
  16. 27. curved hatching, contour lines for value
  17. 28. the perspective that you place the viewer
  1. 1. the third drawing step
  2. 6. a varied line that describes edges
  3. 12. implied line created by a figure looking
  4. 13. three is more interesting than four
  5. 15. the first drawing step
  6. 17. 2 sets of overlapping parallel lines
  7. 18. animal subjects in your recent project are__
  8. 20. a 3D shape
  9. 23. giving room to move
  10. 24. lines or shapes in an image pointing places
  11. 26. "filling the frame" includes this technique