Dream 2

  1. 3. this fruit is orange
  2. 7. you can see old things here
  3. 9. this fruit is red and has very small seeds you can eat
  4. 10. this fruit is the biggest
  5. 12. you can see animals here
  6. 15. you eat these before the main dish
  7. 18. I study the past in this class
  8. 19. you can watch a baseball game here
  9. 20. this fruit is red and has seeds
  10. 21. this sport needs water and waves
  1. 1. this movie is scary
  2. 2. you can see a music play here
  3. 4. this movie has cartoons
  4. 5. this kind of movie is funny
  5. 6. I play in a gym in this class.
  6. 8. im going to cook food. i'm going to have a ________
  7. 9. this sport needs snow.
  8. 11. I play instruments in this class
  9. 13. My ________ teacher is mr bradley. He is the kindest.
  10. 14. you eat these after the main dish
  11. 16. examples are water, soda, cola, milk
  12. 17. I study numbers in this class
  13. 20. I make things with paper, metal, crayons, and pencils in this class