Dream Analysis

  1. 4. The key thinker
  2. 5. when the analysand puts feelings onto the analyst
  3. 7. the actual content of the dream
  4. 8. Key thinkers work is based on this
  5. 11. this therapy has led to development of what other therapy
  6. 14. A person undergoing psychoanalysis
  7. 15. type of depression this is used to treat
  8. 16. A case study
  9. 17. This therapy can be what?
  10. 18. What it aims to uncover
  11. 19. not a particularly what treatment
  1. 1. It is highly what?
  2. 2. what is another disorder dream analysis is used to treat
  3. 3. what is confronted?
  4. 6. The therapy involves frequent visits to who?
  5. 9. Could be said to lack
  6. 10. an example of transference
  7. 12. It is based on what?
  8. 13. The underlying meaning of the dream