Dream Realization

  1. 3. Hard work and exertion put into achieving something
  2. 8. A belief in oneself and one's abilities
  3. 10. A strong and barely controllable emotion or intense enthusiasm
  4. 11. A strong desire or hope for a particular outcome or career
  5. 15. The accomplishment of an aim or purpose
  6. 16. A strong desire to achieve something significant
  7. 17. The act of making positive changes to oneself or one's circumstances
  8. 18. Something that stimulates creativity or imagination
  9. 19. The successful accomplishment of an aim or purpose
  10. 20. Continuous improvement and advancement toward a goal
  1. 1. The quality of continuing to do something despite challenges
  2. 2. A carefully designed course of action to achieve a specific goal
  3. 4. An idea or concept of the future that one hopes to achieve
  4. 5. A strong conviction or trust in the truth, existence, or reliability of something
  5. 6. The process of learning about oneself and personal strengths
  6. 7. The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way
  7. 9. A target or objective one aims to accomplish
  8. 12. The quality of being resolute and unwavering in the pursuit of goals
  9. 13. The act of chasing or striving towards a specific objective
  10. 14. The feeling of contentment or satisfaction derived from achieving a goal