Dream Vacation

  1. 1. You wear these to the beach
  2. 5. Something that gets in between your toes while walking on the beach
  3. 8. Something you pack to take on vacation to protect your eyes
  4. 11. A large passenger ship used mainly for vacationing.
  5. 12. a person whose job it is to help people to plan their dream vacation(s)
  1. 2. What you use to pack all your items in for a trip
  2. 3. A motion in the ocean that produces soothing sounds
  3. 4. A document you should never leave the country without
  4. 6. A break from your regular routine with a specific trip
  5. 7. Don't forget to bring back some of these for your friends and family
  6. 9. Continuous body of salty water that covers almost 70% of the earth's surface
  7. 10. A piece of land surrounded by water