Dreaming in Vein

  1. 2. They travelled to Africa offering foreign ___ for the elephants
  2. 3. Plain, clear, unmistakeable
  3. 4. Attracting notice or attention
  4. 7. Having a large amount of money
  5. 8. They debated the ___ and cons of the ruling
  6. 9. To give a good product in ________ for another
  7. 11. In Maths we learnt about __________ fractions
  8. 12. A __________ to swap money
  9. 14. I ______ upon thee
  10. 16. The quality of being kind and giving
  11. 18. Brilliant, shinning, sparkling
  1. 1. They used an animal as a _________ to their god
  2. 4. Identical in essentials and respects
  3. 5. Excessively ornate or elaborate
  4. 6. To abandon or forget
  5. 7. The health happiness and prosperity of a person or people
  6. 10. An expense or price
  7. 13. To leave or forget
  8. 15. He made them a _____ he couldn't refuse
  9. 17. O_______ means wealth or abundance