Driverless Cars

  1. 2. to drive
  2. 6. everywhere
  3. 7. to take part in something so as to prevent something
  4. 8. a group of vehicles with a single purpose and ownership
  5. 9. acting or working on one's own, without help
  6. 11. to bump into the back of someone's vehicle
  7. 13. without error
  8. 14. a device that responds to its surroundings
  9. 16. make someone responsible
  1. 1. a test model
  2. 2. to strike the side of someone's vehicle
  3. 3. demand
  4. 4. leftover bits of material or objects
  5. 5. not focused on what is important
  6. 10. a person who is inside or residing in something
  7. 11. old age pensioner
  8. 12. hurdle
  9. 15. not having drunk any alcohol