  1. 2. A classification of disaster that caused by natural forces.
  2. 4. It includes mass destruction, multiple massive shootings, and bombs.
  3. 6. It pertains in using your senses, combined with knowledge and experiences.
  4. 7. One of the risk factors that pertains to the sudden shift of the pattern in weather and climate.
  5. 10. A perspective that disrupt the social relationship and personal connection.
  6. 12. The hazards that arise directly results from human activities.
  7. 14. A type of natural disasters that happen commonly after a massive earthquake and are generated from distant locations.
  8. 16. It is the combination of the probability of an event and its negative consequences.
  9. 19. An effect of Natural and Man-made disaster
  10. 20. A disease that affects the large number of people in a given community.
  1. 1. It pertains to the category of hazard whereas, it arise from the interaction of natural processes and human activities.
  2. 3. It is a kind of perspective that causes injuries, physical illness, and damage to infrastructures.
  3. 5. A way to determine which hazards and risk should be prioritize.
  4. 8. A classification of man-made disaster that caused by industrialization, also, road collapse and vehicle collisions.
  5. 9. A natural disaster that refers to the sudden shake of the Earths' ground.
  6. 11. A state of being at risk.
  7. 13. Also called a "bad thing."
  8. 15. The presence of elements at risks.
  9. 17. An occurance that may or may not affect lives.
  10. 18. It is an extreme events that causes a great loss of live and property.