Drug Abuse Vocab

  1. 1. Inhalants can include solvents, _____, and gases
  2. 4. One step worse than drug dependence is ______
  3. 7. Slang term for the hallucinogen, LSD, is _____
  4. 8. Your body builds _____ to a drug the more of it you use
  5. 12. Drugs medically prescribed to treat severe pain are _____
  6. 14. It is illegal to sell or give away your ____(Rx) medication
  7. 16. Drug users ______ when the effect of the drug wears off
  8. 17. ______ drugs slow down the CNS
  9. 18. ____amphetamine is one of the most powerful stimulant drugs
  10. 19. Symptoms an addict feels when not getting their drug they're addicted to
  11. 20. Years after using LSD, sudden, vivid memories come back called _____
  1. 2. ____ is the acronym for drugs that can be bought without a prescription
  2. 3. _____ drugs speed up the CNS
  3. 5. Over use of ______ can lead to irritation of the stomach
  4. 6. Ibuprofen is in the category of ______
  5. 9. One of the "feel good" brain chemicals that begins with E is _____
  6. 10. Substance that causes cancer, which is produced by the use of some drugs
  7. 11. Overdose can cause ____ or death
  8. 13. Hallucinogens alter your ____, thoughts, and feelings
  9. 15. ______ use of drugs is using them for non-medicinal purposes