Drugs affecting antidiabetic agents

  1. 2. what kind of DM that is non insulin dependent
  2. 3. drug of choice for ninsulfonylureas
  3. 7. urine other name for DM
  4. 8. provide a 3 months average of glucose levels
  5. 13. increased thirst
  6. 15. hormone produced by the beta cells of islets of Langerhans
  7. 16. increased hunger
  8. 18. presence of sugar in the urine
  1. 1. fasting blood sugar level greater than 126 mg/dl
  2. 4. also called honey urine
  3. 5. metabolism shifts to the use of fat and the ketone wastes cannot be remove effectively this is called?
  4. 6. leading energy source for the human body
  5. 9. drug of choice for first generation sulfonylureas
  6. 10. blood sugar concentration lower than 40 mg/dl
  7. 11. fat breakdown occurs as the body breaks down stored fat for energy because the glucose is not usuable
  8. 12. what kind of DM that is insulin dependent
  9. 14. can affect carbohydrates, protein and fat metabolism
  10. 17. drug of choice for second generation sulfonylureas