Drugs, Alcohol and Dimensions of Health

  1. 4. It is against the law for anyone younger than this to drink alcohol.
  2. 5. What percentage of alcohol leaves the body via breath, sweat, urine and through the kidneys?
  3. 6. One of the three types of Alcoholic beverages____________
  4. 10. A drug that changes the way we see, hear, taste and smell things.
  5. 12. Pure Alcohol has no colour or no ____________
  6. 13. All Alcohol and Drugs can cause people to lose control of their thoughts and actions, therefore increasing the risk of what occurring?
  7. 15. From the stomach, alcohol goes directly into this system, where it quickly travels to the brain and other organs of the body.
  8. 17. Heavy drinkers may forget things because Alcohol may cause them to lose their __________
  9. 18. Nutrition is an example of what area of health?
  10. 19. Overuse of Alcohol can lead to early onset of heart disease and ______
  1. 1. A street name for Alcohol.
  2. 2. I suffer from anxiety and depression. This impacts what area of health?
  3. 3. Some people mistake Alcohol as a Stimulant but really it is a _________
  4. 7. An example of a Hallucinogen Drug.
  5. 8. Girls having more than 5 drinks in one setting
  6. 9. Having a good network of friends is an example of?
  7. 11. Tobacco is an example of what type of drug?
  8. 12. One standard drink contains _________ grams of Alcohol.
  9. 14. Alcohol has no __________. You would not see it recommended on the food pyramid
  10. 16. A depressant people have at a party or club?