Drugs and Medicines

  1. 2. When you take to much of a medicine
  2. 5. When body gets used to a drug
  3. 6. Slows down nervous system
  4. 8. A physiological dependence on a drug
  5. 12. What drug is used to relieve pain
  6. 13. An Accelerator
  7. 15. One thing tranquilizers are used for
  8. 16. What is the drug most common for rape
  9. 17. Substance other than food that change the structure or function of body or mind
  10. 18. Drugs that treat or prevent problems
  11. 20. Consequence for using drugs illegally
  1. 1. An example of a inhalant
  2. 2. What is a designer substance
  3. 3. What does a barbiturates have on a body
  4. 4. Drugs commonly used in sports
  5. 7. A specific Drug
  6. 9. A drug commonly used to slip into drinks,etc.
  7. 10. Anti-toxin
  8. 11. PCP alters what?
  9. 14. A symptom of steroids
  10. 19. Condition that uses Insulin