- 4. What is the name of new theme added in drupal 8 core (6)
- 6. Which argument is set true for enabling debugging in twig template of D8 (5)
- 8. I am omega theme maintainer (7)
- 10. I am used to control versions of your code & drupal uses me as well (3)
- 11. With me modules can interact with the drupal core (5)
- 12. I am used to generate human readable urls (8)
- 14. New drupal 8 theme engine (4)
- 15. I am used to generate documentation from comments & am the default comment standard for Drupal (7)
- 17. I am used for customized layouts (6)
- 18. Name of a module, a dry fruit (4)
- 1. I am query builder and one of the most used module? (5)
- 2. I am a tool use for drupal command line (5)
- 3. I am used to gain shell access to a remote server (3)
- 5. I am a module which store the logs in files instead of database (6)
- 6. I am creator of drupal (5)
- 7. The ultimate drupal theme (6)
- 9. Drupal 8 provides this feature from install (12)
- 13. I am used to extends the functionality of drupal (7)
- 14. I am used for classifying content (8)
- 16. I am a module used for module and theme development (5)