DTIN Mock Test

  1. 1. - Self-governing or independent control in technology.
  2. 5. - Software to purchase and manage digital protection.
  3. 6. - Excessive reliance on the internet and devices.
  4. 7. - Technology for voice communication over the internet.
  5. 9. - Automated and interconnected home system.
  6. 11. - Education combining online and face-to-face methods.
  7. 12. - Network of physical devices connected online.
  8. 16. - Overuse of the internet affecting daily life.
  9. 17. - Secret entry to bypass security in software.
  10. 19. - Digital verification of an electronic message's sender.
  11. 20. - Generation preceding Gen Z, known for tech-savviness.
  1. 2. - AI type that improves from experience.
  2. 3. - How the internet influences human interaction.
  3. 4. - Digital or virtual currency using cryptography.
  4. 8. - Grew up with smartphones and constant connectivity.
  5. 10. - Person inherently familiar with digital technology.
  6. 13. - Numerical label for device identification on the internet.
  7. 14. - Decentralized digital ledger technology.
  8. 15. - Protocol for transferring files online.
  9. 18. - Quick and flexible problem-solving approach.