Dust Bowl Lecture

  1. 2. These people were losing $25 million/day
  2. 6. The Soil Conservation Service told farmers to plant these in order to anchor down the soil
  3. 8. The location of the Dust Bowl
  4. 10. This is how dust and dirt traveled half-way across the country
  5. 13. This is one cause of people's death during the Dust Bowl
  6. 14. The government did this to 11 million acres of sub-quality land in order to preserve it
  7. 15. The Emergency Cattle Purchase Program did this to thousands of starving cattle
  8. 16. These animals choked to death during the Dust Bowl
  9. 17. The Emergency Cattle Purchase Program did this to needy families
  10. 18. Families moved in this direction to leave the Dust Bowl
  11. 19. This is one cause of people's death during the Dust Bowl
  12. 20. Farmers were paid to do this, let their land go unused in order to allow the soil to regenerate
  1. 1. This is the name for the Dust Bowl storms
  2. 3. The Agriculture Adjustment Administration paid farmers to do this to their production of crops & livestock
  3. 4. The Soil Conservation Service told farmers to plant these after the Dust Bowl
  4. 5. These went down a lot during the Great Depression
  5. 6. The Dust Bowl contributed to this
  6. 7. This is was dry & brittle, grasses weren't held down
  7. 9. The killing of pigs & cows are this b/c people were starving
  8. 11. One of the main causes to the Dust Bowl
  9. 12. 1 million acres of this was destroyed during the Dust Bowl