Dwarf Planets

  1. 2. resembling a small planet but lacking certain technical criteria that are required for it to be classed as such
  2. 4. the movement of dwarf planets around the sun
  3. 5. dwarf planets contain small amounts of
  4. 8. description of the dwarf planets relatively great size
  5. 10. belt where all dwarf planets are found
  6. 11. a celestial body moving in an elliptical orbit around a star
  7. 12. placed in orbit around dwarf planets to gather data
  8. 13. the shape of a dwarf planet
  9. 16. makes distant objects appear nearer,
  10. 18. largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and it's the only dwarf planet located in the inner solar system.
  1. 1. dwarf planets lack this separating them from other space objects
  2. 3. Eris is one of the largest known dwarf planets in our solar system. It's about the same size as Pluto but is three times farther from the Sun.
  3. 5. dwarf planet and the second-largest of what are known as the classical population of Kuiper belt
  4. 6. most commonly known dwarf planet, used to be a planet
  5. 7. the place where all existing matter in space
  6. 9. must be this type of body to be considered a dwarf planet
  7. 14. dwarf planet that is a member of a group of objects that orbit in a disc-like zone
  8. 15. where all planets, stars and other objects in our galaxy are found
  9. 17. the type of telescope used to help discover dwarf planets