Dwarf Planets

  1. 3. Main moon of Pluto
  2. 5. Makemake is the _______ brightest Kuiper belt object
  3. 8. Planets are able to remove smaller bodies near their orbits
  4. 11. Space probe sent to study Pluto and Kuiper Belt
  5. 13. Haumea doesn't exist as a sphere, rather it is a __________
  6. 15. Is 2:3 between Pluto and Neptune's orbits
  7. 16. Area on Pluto where churning nitrogen ice cells turnover
  8. 17. The prototypical dwarf planet discovered in 1930
  9. 19. Most massive dwarf planet
  10. 20. Number of AU Makemake is from the sun
  11. 21. These still flow through the outer mantle on Ceres
  12. 22. Belt Same region of space as Pluto
  1. 1. Type on Ceres that erupts volatiles such as water, ammonia or methane into cold environments
  2. 2. Named after a creator god in mythology of Easter Island
  3. 4. Two teams claim credit for the discovery of this dwarf planet
  4. 6. Planets must orbit this
  5. 7. Total number of Pluto's moons
  6. 9. The total number of named, recognized dwarf planets
  7. 10. Large subplanetary bodies
  8. 12. The ability of a planet to become a sphere
  9. 14. Both an asteroid and a dwarf planet
  10. 18. Pluto is the ____________ brightest Kuiper belt object