
  1. 1. Electrical impulse, changes polarity
  2. 4. Preventricular contraction
  3. 6. Class III potassium channel blocker
  4. 10. Class IC sodium channel blocker
  5. 11. Time period where heart will not contract
  6. 13. Class IB sodium channel blocker
  7. 17. Class IA sodium channel blocker
  8. 18. Loss of membrane potential; contraction
  9. 19. Common pathway in intraventricular septum
  10. 20. Uncoordinated heart action; "quivering"
  11. 21. One of two deadly heart rhythms
  1. 2. Heart rate faster than 100 bpm
  2. 3. Class II beta blocker
  3. 5. Heart's pacemaker, wall of right atrium
  4. 6. "Gatekeeper," slows impulse, has automaticity
  5. 7. Visual representation of cardiac cycle
  6. 8. Cardiac glycoside; used to treat a-fib
  7. 9. Carries impulse to entire ventricle(s)
  8. 12. Nonpharmacological treatment for dysrhythmias
  9. 14. Abnormality of heart conduction system
  10. 15. Ability of cells to generate impulse
  11. 16. Return to polarized state; relaxation