
  1. 2. the same on both sides
  2. 5. balance a concept of aesthetic composition involving equal weight and importance
  3. 8. colors synonym to complementary colors
  4. 12. Large marsupial
  5. 13. Likes to chase mice
  6. 15. colors on the exact opposite side of the spectrum that when combined correctly make white light
  7. 16. something that is not the same on both sides
  8. 17. the state of being strikingly different
  9. 18. Flying mammal
  1. 1. a harmonious sequence of colors
  2. 3. they are not strictly symmetrical but seem so
  3. 4. an even distribution of weight
  4. 6. Man's best friend
  5. 7. a part or number in comparison to a whole
  6. 9. the state of being united as a whole
  7. 10. agreement or concord
  8. 11. Has a trunk
  9. 14. a wheel that shows the secondary and primary colors in relation to each other