
  1. 6. tracks and reports website traffic
  2. 9. the income generated through a business’ primary operations
  3. 13. face of gucci (2)
  4. 14. more effective for a local business (2)
  5. 15. has increased customers expectations of speed, convenience, and service
  6. 16. total number of users that have viewed a specific page
  7. 17. a count of the total number of times digital advertisements display on someone’s screen
  1. 1. any advertising activity that promotes products and services via mobile devices (2)
  2. 2. implements the use of a particular media to achieve advertising or marketing goals (2)
  3. 3. a coordinated marketing effort to reinforce or assist with a business goal using one or more social media platforms (3)
  4. 4. the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers (2)
  5. 5. protected under the 9th amendment
  6. 7. a chain that connects pages both within a website and to other websites
  7. 8. a type of computing where the processing and storage are done on a remote or shared server
  8. 10. plan of action designed to promote and sell a product or service (2)
  9. 11. something attached to an electronic document as verification of the sender’s intent to sign the document (2)
  10. 12. really cool person