
  1. 1. A type of link that can be "fake" and lead to a virus or someone spying on you
  2. 4. A good password can contain letters, symbols and ....
  3. 5. A type of device that allows you to phone but also allows you to download a range of "apps"
  4. 8. This is a method of communicatingwith people by sending messages and attaching files
  5. 9. This is a type of crime where someone has access to your account without permission
  6. 13. A type of program used to protect computer systems from damage
  1. 1. These are people you do not know and should not be added on to your profile
  2. 2. A popular social networking site
  3. 3. A type of crime that involves attacking someone personally online
  4. 5. This is a type of network that allows you to communicate with other people
  5. 6. Another social networking site that allows you follow others and be followed
  6. 7. Something that should be changed regularly and should be kept private
  7. 10. A type of activity that can be done using consoles, it can be very addictive!
  8. 11. This should be used instead of your real name when creating a username
  9. 12. This is a type of program that can cause damage to your files and folders