E3: Population Ecology

  1. 1. the annual number of births in a population
  2. 3. exponential human ___________ is causing a rapid depletion of natural resources, increased pollution and reduction in global biodiversity
  3. 7. the graph of Exponential Growth
  4. 9. _____ growth with a limit that has a Carrying Capacity
  5. 12. a non native species that harms the ecosystem
  6. 13. Density _______ Limiting Factors that are a direct link to the size of a population Examples competition, disease, predator
  7. 14. the largest population that an area can support
  8. 15. the graph of Logistic Growth
  9. 16. The annual number of births in a population
  1. 2. the impact of a person or community on the environment
  2. 4. local heat buildup in an area of high population density
  3. 5. anything that will limit and impact a population size
  4. 6. the variety of life in an ecosystem
  5. 8. ______ growth is RAPID with no limits
  6. 10. Density __ Limiting Factors not impacted by the population size Examples weather, natural disasters, human disturbance
  7. 11. responsibility for conserving and restoring the Earth's resources