EAR Terminology

  1. 3. instrument to measure hearing
  2. 6. neuroma benign tumor arising from the acoustic nerve in the brain
  3. 8. Inflammation of the eardrum
  4. 11. inflammation of the middle ear
  5. 12. inflamition of the mastoid process
  6. 13. hardening in the bony tissue of the ossicles of the middle ear
  7. 14. collection of skin cells and cholesterol in a sac within the middle ear
  8. 15. otitis media inflammation of the middle ear with bacterial infection and pus collection
  1. 1. instrument to examine the ear
  2. 2. removal of the third bone of the middle ear
  3. 4. deafness due to old age
  4. 5. inflammation of the labyrinth of the inner ear
  5. 7. noise (ringing, buzzing) in the ears without an external source
  6. 9. sensation of irregular or whirling motion
  7. 10. disorder of the labyrinth marked by elevation of ear fluids and pressure within the cochlea