Early China Review

  1. 2. Name for a line of rulers from the same family
  2. 7. Prized white and blue Chinese pottery
  3. 11. This philosophy believes in harmony with nature, balance
  4. 13. second golden age dynasty of China
  5. 17. The term for the rise, fall, and rise of dynasties
  6. 18. Explorer/admiral sailor who made seven huge voyages with his treasure fleet
  7. 20. Mongol invention that allowed them to fire arrows from horseback
  8. 23. Term used for when Shi Huangdi made all writing, roads, weights and measures the same
  9. 24. This Confucian term means 'respect for parents'
  10. 26. The Chinese name for the dynasty ruled by the Mongols
  11. 27. Famous Chinese invention that powered fireworks and rockets
  12. 28. important grain crop grown in flooded fields
  13. 29. Chinese philosopher who wanted to put society back in order the way it used to be
  14. 32. Clay _______ Warriors built by Shi Huangdi to guard him in the afterlife
  15. 34. Early Chinese often worshipped these dead family members
  16. 35. The _____ Period was 250 years of civil war at the end of the Zhou but before the Qin Dynasty
  1. 1. Italian trader who visited China during the Yuan Dynasty
  2. 3. Grandson of Ghenghis Khan who ruled China's Yuan Dynasty
  3. 4. To work for the government, you had to pass one of these confucian exams
  4. 5. first golden age dynasty of China
  5. 6. Used by Shang Dynasty priests for fortune telling
  6. 8. the teachings of Confucius are written down in the ___
  7. 9. The first emperor of China who ruled with legalist policies
  8. 10. This magnetic device allowed Chinese sailors and traders to navigate
  9. 12. Dynasty that ended exploration, rebuilt the great wall and closed off from the rest of the world
  10. 14. This philosophy believes in punishment and rewards
  11. 15. This structure was built to protect China from Northern invaders
  12. 16. The name for the secretive palace of the Ming Emperors
  13. 19. Chinese name for the massive ships built to explore the oceans
  14. 21. Good rulers were given the blessing of the gods to rule
  15. 22. Empire founded by Ghengis Khan in Central Asia
  16. 25. Fertile yellow colored silt deposited by the Yellow River
  17. 30. Famous ancient trade route of goods and ideas across Asia
  18. 31. Invented during the Han Dynasty, made from wood pulp
  19. 33. The Confucian concept of being a good person